Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 2, 2013

One of the Italian Mission Teams was here this week for a very successful mission which I will write more about soon.  I thought it was time for some lighter fare and to share some of the beautiful scenery around Shisong, as well as an opportunity to show the people I have been spending time with. 
This dog apparently lost a friend who left the weekend that I arrived.  She was very sad, and started following me everywhere.  The sisters call her “Rambo.”  I do not know the origin of the name since it might be the most docile dog I have ever met.  

Sr. Ruth, who is an ICU nurse, and Dr. Daniel (pharmacist) and I went “trekking” to the St. Francis Comprehensive College and had a tour of their dairy farm.   

Another day, we “trekked” to the bishop’s house on a hill near the village of Squares.  We stopped in at the convent there to greet the sisters, and found them watching “Sister Act.”  On our way down Sr. Ruth decided to try out flying. 

Logan and Eric Horne and their 5 children live in Squares above the bishop’s house at St. Augustine College.  You can follow their mission here:   You can see that Logan has mastered the art of carrying her daughter the African way. 

If you arrive for 2nd Mass (9 AM) before the 1st Mass ends (begins at 6:45 AM), you have to wait in this not-so-disappointing setting. 

Dr. Falan Mouton is a senior resident in anesthesiology at the University of Rochester.  She is here on a one month rotation at the cardiac center and in the main operating room of the hospital.  We have found some nice places to walk.

By the way, in my previous post I mentioned the NGO's and generous donors that make the Cardiac Center successful despite multiple challenges.  One of the founding organizations and driving force behind the effort is Bambini Cardiopatici nel Mondo, whose English language website can be found here:

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